Trip to Zambia

Wrapping up homeschool

3 minutes

Headed home from a great first experience in Zambia! #

Posted on November 3, 2019 by John Wry


As I sit here in Lusaka, Zambia, and wait for my plane to go home tomorrow, I wanted to make sure I updated you with a few comments and a video. What a great experience this has been! People are Zambia are so friendly and passionate. They EXPRESS their feelings (good and bad). They have no problem telling you what they are thinking. The workshop was held at a church in Kasama, Zambia some 11 hours from Lusaka by car.

We put this short video together for you. We hope you like it! (Please subscribe so you get notified when we post new videos!). Leave your comments and questions below!

God’s abundant blessings upon you,


Here are some testimonies from the workshop. Please note, we’ve copied them exactly as they were written.

Testimonies Bible Study Methods

Zambia, 2019

In this workshop, I have learnt the following:

  1. God paid the full price for my salvation
  2. How to study the Word of God
  3. How to observe, interpret and apply the Word of God in my life.
  4. I have come to understand Psalms 23 in a more profound way
  5. How to let the Scripture speak to me and not to add to the Scripture my perceived ideas.
  6. yourAnd many more*
  • Humphrey Mwbanga

I thank God for this workshop which has helped me know and understand how to prepare Bible study in the simplest way. Before, I never know that observation, interpretation and application are essential in preparing Bible study.

  • Bridget M Nkhonjera

This workshop has helped me how to conduct a Bible study. How to read the Bible and understand Bible passages and it also to avoid taking my experience and my culture in the Bible.

  • Jonathan Mwango

It is an eyes opened for me in the Bible study It has made me grow on the Bible study preparation lesson It has inspired in me in Bible study. Sibanse Lovemore B

Isaiah N Kabuia

In this workshop I have learned a lot of things. I wasn’t know how to do Bible working and researching, but through this workshop my mind is now open. I can do the whole so objectively. There iss my prayer that may the all mighty God continue blessing you and give you more knowledge.

Daniel S Chisanga

In this workshop we have very much glad for everything we have learnt and we are pray it will take us a long way in our churches when we are going back.

Webster Mbulo

There was a time, pastor Chishimba, invited me for this workshop and was even telling me how the importance of DM2 was. And upon attending it I was interesting in it, now I don’t want to miss future workshops.

Joseph K Sikazkie

God used this workshop to help me how to clearly observe, interpret and apply the Word of God. This has prepared me how to understand God’s word properly and wonderfully. This has helped not to rush in preparation of Bible study and give a misleading words.

Sishwati R. Mubita

God has really helped me know the right way to follow when teaching Bible study as before I was teaching it all wrongly.

Francis Sitali

I was ignorant how to prepare a message. But through DM2 teachings I have learned how to prepare for Bible study or Sunday service. This is great to me.

Keran C Kasonde

Through this workshop I have been enabled to take time to read texts, observe by taking down the key words. Previously I left our meaningful things because little did I pay attention the details.