2022 Second Quarter

A quick update of our activities

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Another Module Conquered #

It’s hard to believe CC3D has seen its 10th week done. 8 Modules and counting, only 26 to go! It seems the year is going by way too quickly!! Check out our calendar here!

This past week we went through an introduction to Ancient Greek. This is the language the New Testament was written in and is very helpful to have a grasp for Bible study. It just so happens that the invited teacher was not able to attend and it was a daunting task for John to take on. Yet God gave peace to proceed and we decided to move forward with the module. God was good and we feel it was a very productive week. A couple of students expressed how fun it was. How amazing for us to watch the students reciting and writing the Greek alphabet and memorizing [John 3:16](https://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/John 3.16) in Greek!

imgCelebrating the finish of Introduction to Greek

Josh, Nanawe and ??? … #

img??Josh, Nanawe and

Here’s a picture we wanted to share of Joshua playing hugging our loaner dog Nanawe. Uzai, one of the invited teachers has loaned him to us since he has to place to keep him in the meantime.

The other puppy (right) is new. It is a female and meant to be a buddy for Nanawe since he howls and whines when we go out. Hopefully they will be good together but how about helping us out with ideas for names? We’d love to hear any ideas from you!

John’s B-day #

imgSusy, John, Joshua and Jorge

John just celebrated his 48th. The neighbors, Susy and Jorge came over to congratulate him.

The day started with eggs and bacon and coffee (John’s favorite). After spending the day teaching at CC3D, Nelly took John to get a nice leather bag for his iPad (50% off at the store because it’s John’s birthday). Then when John and Nelly arrived home, the CC3D students gave a surprise party to him. They had decorated the house and Rachel had baked all sorts of goodies. What a day!