
January 0001

2022 Second Quarter

A quick update of our activities

Another Module Conquered It’s hard to believe CC3D has seen its 10th week done. 8 Modules and counting, only 26 to go! It seems the year is going by way too quickly!! Check out our calendar here! This past week we went through an introduction to Ancient Greek. This is the language the New Testament was written in and is very helpful to have a grasp for Bible study. It just so happens that the invited teacher was not able to attend and it was a daunting task for John to take on.

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2022 Third Quarter

Our family update

2022 Quarterly Update We praise God for his goodness! He is faithful, loving and ever patient as He interacts with us. I would like to sum up some of the main events in our life this year as a testimony and reminder of that. We arrived back in Bolivia in August 2021 with the purpose of setting up a gap year training center. By January we were well on our way towards having a place picked out and beginning to prepare it as a place

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Cochabamba Arrival

Coch Arrival Posted on August 22, 2021 by John Wry Here are some pictures we wanted to share with you of our first few days here in Cochabamba. Cochabamba lights Joshua’s new friend Nacho First means of Transportation

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Rachel’s Wrap

Wrapping up homeschool

Rachel’s Wrap Posted on April 24, 2019 by John Wry Rachel is our social butterfly. She loves people. She loves laughing and social events and sports. She does not love school and particularly homeschool where she is the only student. So you can imagine she is looking forward to next semester, beginning 9th grade at Christian Life Academy a school John’s grandpa Earl started in Franklin, PA back in the 80’s.

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Trip to Zambia

Wrapping up homeschool

Headed home from a great first experience in Zambia! Posted on November 3, 2019 by John Wry As I sit here in Lusaka, Zambia, and wait for my plane to go home tomorrow, I wanted to make sure I updated you with a few comments and a video. What a great experience this has been! People are Zambia are so friendly and passionate. They EXPRESS their feelings (good and bad). They have no problem telling you what they are thinking.

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Week 1

The Wry’s Family Updates Week 1 - January 1st, 2023 arrival to Cochabamba - Cell phone updates January 1st, 2023 Arrival After a few stops, we made it to Cochabamba along with all of our luggage! We were welcomed upon arriving at the house by Sonia and Señorita. Nelly’s brother Esteban and mother to follow shortly after. Upon seeing all the things from the center in the living room it became quickly apparent there was a lot of work to be done before classes could begin one month later.

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